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Have you been asked illegal questions during an interview?

Employment law seeks to keep workers safe from harassment and discrimination throughout every aspect of the employment process. This includes when it comes to filling out applications and interviewing.

If you left an interview thinking that you were asked some pretty personal questions, and you ultimately did not get the job, you may be asking yourself if you were asked inappropriate questions and thereby subjected to discrimination.

Illegal interview questions

It really depends on the circumstances. However, generally speaking, questions about any of the following may be illegal and deemed discriminatory in nature:

Remember, though, that employers sometimes get answers on these topics by asking questions that are more job-centered. For example, instead of asking you directly about your disability, an employer may ask if you are capable of performing the job’s requirements. This is a legal way to address the issue.

What to do if you’ve been asked illegal questions

If you suspect that you’ve been asked illegal interview questions, you may want to take action to ensure that you are protecting your legal rights. This may include filing a complaint with the employer and with the EEOC. If you can demonstrate that you missed out on a job opportunity because of discrimination, you may be justified in taking formal legal action against that employer.

Do you need guidance on your employment law matters?

If you are dealing with an employment law issue, you need to be proactive to protect yourself and your financial interests. That is why law firms like ours are here to help. If you have questions or need some guidance on how best to proceed with your issue, now may be the time to talk to an attorney of your choosing.

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